
903 lines
21 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# $FreeBSD: log_accum.pl,v 1.122 2003/02/28 18:28:11 peter Exp $
# Perl filter to handle the log messages from the checkin of files in
# a directory. This script will group the lists of files by log
# message, and mail a single consolidated log message at the end of
# the commit.
# This file assumes a pre-commit checking program that leaves the
# names of the first and last commit directories in a temporary file.
# Originally by David Hampton <hampton@cisco.com>
# Extensively hacked for FreeBSD by Peter Wemm <peter@netplex.com.au>,
# with parts stolen from Greg Woods <woods@most.wierd.com> version.
# Extensively cleaned up and re-worked to use an external configuration
# file by Josef Karthauser <joe@tao.org.uk>.
require 5.003; # might work with older perl5
use strict;
use Text::Tabs;
use lib $ENV{CVSROOT};
use CVSROOT::cfg;
my $CVSROOT = $ENV{'CVSROOT'} || die "Can't determine \$CVSROOT!";
# Constants
my $STATE_NONE = 0;
my $STATE_ADDED = 2;
my $STATE_LOG = 4;
my $BASE_FN = "$cfg::TMPDIR/$cfg::FILE_PREFIX";
my $LAST_FILE = $cfg::LAST_FILE;
my $CHANGED_FILE = "$BASE_FN.changed";
my $ADDED_FILE = "$BASE_FN.added";
my $REMOVED_FILE = "$BASE_FN.removed";
my $LOG_FILE = "$BASE_FN.log";
my $SUMMARY_FILE = "$BASE_FN.summary";
my $LOGNAMES_FILE = "$BASE_FN.lognames";
my $SUBJ_FILE = "$BASE_FN.subj";
my $TAGS_FILE = "$BASE_FN.tags";
my $DIFF_FILE = "$BASE_FN.diff";
# Subroutines
# Remove the temporary files.
sub cleanup_tmpfiles {
my @files; # The list of temporary files.
# Don't clean up afterwards if in debug mode.
return if $cfg::DEBUG;
opendir DIR, $cfg::TMPDIR or die "Cannot open directory: $cfg::TMPDIR!";
push @files, grep /^$cfg::FILE_PREFIX\..*$/, readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach (@files) {
unlink "$cfg::TMPDIR/$_";
# Append a line to a named file.
sub append_line {
my $filename = shift; # File to append to.
my $line = shift; # Line to append.
open FILE, ">>$filename" or
die "Cannot open for append file $filename.\n";
print FILE "$line\n";
close FILE;
# Read the first line from a named file.
sub read_line {
my $filename = shift; # The file to read the line from.
my $line; # The line read from the file.
open FILE, "<$filename" or die "Cannot read file $filename!";
$line = <FILE>;
close FILE;
chomp $line;
return $line;
# Return the contents of a file as a list of strings,
# with trailing line feeds removed.
# Return an empty list of the file couldn't be opened for some reason.
sub read_logfile {
my $filename = shift; # The file to read from.
my @text = (); # The contents of the file.
if (open FILE, "<$filename") {
while (<FILE>) {
push @text, $_;
close FILE;
return @text;
# Write a list to a file.
sub write_logfile {
my $filename = shift; # File to write to.
my @lines = @_; # Contents to write to file.
open FILE, ">$filename" or
die "Cannot open for write log file $filename.";
print FILE map { "$_\n" } @lines;
close FILE;
sub format_names {
my $dir = shift;
my @files = @_;
my $indent = length($dir);
$indent = 20 if $indent < 20;
my $format = " %-" . sprintf("%d", $indent) . "s ";
my @lines = (sprintf($format, $dir));
if ($cfg::DEBUG) {
print STDERR "format_names(): dir = ", $dir;
#print STDERR "; tag = ", $tag;
print STDERR "; files = ", join(":", @files), ".\n";
foreach my $file (@files) {
if (length($lines[$#lines]) + length($file) > 66) {
$lines[++$#lines] = sprintf($format, "", "");
$lines[$#lines] .= $file . " ";
return @lines;
sub format_lists {
my $header = shift;
my @lines = @_;
print STDERR "format_lists(): ", join(":", @lines), "\n" if $cfg::DEBUG;
my $lastdir = '';
my $lastsep = '';
my $tag = '';
my @files = ();
my @text = ();
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /.*\/$/) {
push @text, &format_names($lastdir, @files) if $lastdir;
@files = ();
$lastdir = $line;
$lastdir =~ s,/$,,;
$tag = ""; # next thing is a tag
} elsif (!$tag) {
$tag = $line;
next if "$header$tag" eq $lastsep;
$lastsep = $header . $tag;
if ($tag eq 'HEAD') {
push @text, " $header files:";
} else {
push @text, sprintf(" %-22s (Branch: %s)",
"$header files:", $tag);
} else {
push @files, $line;
push @text, &format_names($lastdir, sort @files);
return @text;
sub append_names_to_file {
my $filename = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my @files = @_;
return unless @files;
open FILE, ">>$filename" or die "Cannot append to file $filename.";
print FILE $dir, "\n";
print FILE $tag, "\n";
print FILE map { "$_\n" } @files;
close FILE;
# Use cvs status to obtain the current revision number of a given file.
sub get_revision_number {
my $file = shift;
my $rcsfile = "";
my $revision = "";
open(RCS, "-|") || exec $cfg::PROG_CVS, '-Qn', 'status', $file;
while (<RCS>) {
if (/^[ \t]*Repository revision/) {
my @revline = split;
$revision = $revline[2];
$revline[3] =~ m|^$CVSROOT/+(.*),v$|;
$rcsfile = $1;
close RCS;
$rcsfile =~ s|/Attic/|/|; # Remove 'Attic/' if present.
return($revision, $rcsfile);
# Return the previous revision number.
sub previous_revision {
my $rev = shift;
$rev =~ /(?:(.*)\.)?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)$/;
my ($base, $r1, $r2) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $prevrev = "";
if ($r2 == 1) {
$prevrev = $base;
} else {
$prevrev = "$base." if $base;
$prevrev .= "$r1." . ($r2 - 1);
return $prevrev;
# Count the number of lines in a given revision of a file.
sub count_lines_in_revision {
my $file = shift; # File in repository.
my $rev = shift; # Revision number.
my $lines = 0;
open(RCS, "-|") ||
exec $cfg::PROG_CVS, '-Qn', 'update', '-p', "-r$rev", $file;
while (<RCS>) {
close RCS;
return $lines;
# Summarise details of the file modifications.
sub change_summary_changed {
my $outfile = shift; # File name of output file.
my @filenames = @_; # List of files to check.
foreach my $file (@filenames) {
next unless $file;
my $delta = "";
my ($rev, $rcsfile) = get_revision_number($file);
if ($rev and $rcsfile) {
open(RCS, "-|") ||
exec $cfg::PROG_CVS, '-Qn', 'log', "-r$rev", $file;
while (<RCS>) {
if (/^date:.*lines:\s(.*)$/) {
$delta = $1;
close RCS;
&append_line($outfile, "$rev,$delta,,$rcsfile");
# Summarise details of added files.
sub change_summary_added {
my $outfile = shift; # File name of output file.
my @filenames = @_; # List of files to check.
foreach my $file (@filenames) {
next unless $file;
my $delta = "";
my ($rev, $rcsfile) = get_revision_number($file);
if ($rev and $rcsfile) {
my $lines = count_lines_in_revision($file, $rev);
$delta = "+$lines -0";
&append_line($outfile, "$rev,$delta,new,$rcsfile");
# Summarise details of removed files.
sub change_summary_removed {
my $outfile = shift; # File name of output file.
my @filenames = @_; # List of files to check.
foreach my $file (@filenames) {
next unless $file;
my $delta = "";
my ($rev, $rcsfile) = get_revision_number($file);
if ($rev and $rcsfile) {
my $prevrev = previous_revision($rev);
my $lines = count_lines_in_revision($file, $prevrev);
$delta = "+0 -$lines";
&append_line($outfile, "$rev,$delta,dead,$rcsfile");
sub build_header {
delete $ENV{'TZ'};
my $datestr = `/bin/date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z"`;
chomp $datestr;
my $header = sprintf("%-8s %s", $cfg::COMMITTER, $datestr);
my @text;
push @text, $header;
push @text, "";
push @text, " $cfg::MAILBANNER", "" if $cfg::MAILBANNER;
return @text;
# !!! Mailing-list and commitlog history file mappings here !!!
# This needs pulling out as a configuration block somewhere so
# that others can easily change it.
sub get_log_name {
my $dir = shift; # Directory name
for my $i (0 .. ($#cfg::LOG_FILE_MAP - 1) / 2) {
my $log = $cfg::LOG_FILE_MAP[$i * 2];
my $pattern = $cfg::LOG_FILE_MAP[$i * 2 + 1];
return $log if $dir =~ /$pattern/;
return 'other';
sub do_changes_file {
my @text = @_;
my %unique = ();
my @mailaddrs = &read_logfile($LOGNAMES_FILE);
foreach my $category (@mailaddrs) {
next if ($unique{$category});
$unique{$category} = 1;
my $changes = "$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlogs/$category";
open CHANGES, ">>$changes"
or die "Cannot open $changes.\n";
print CHANGES map { "$_\n" } @text;
print CHANGES "\n\n\n";
close CHANGES;
sub mail_notification {
my @text = @_;
# This is turned off since the To: lines go overboard.
# Also it has bit-rotted since, and can't just be switched on again.
# - but keep it for the time being in case we do something like cvs-stable
# my @mailaddrs = &read_logfile($LOGNAMES_FILE);
# print(MAIL 'To: cvs-committers' . $dom . ", cvs-all" . $dom);
# foreach $line (@mailaddrs) {
# next if ($unique{$line});
# $unique{$line} = 1;
# next if /^cvs-/;
# print(MAIL ", " . $line . $dom);
# }
# print(MAIL "\n");
my @email = ();
my $to = $cfg::MAILADDRS;
print "Mailing the commit message to '$to'.\n";
push @email, "To: $to" if $cfg::ADD_TO_LINE;
my $subject = 'Subject: Schlepperbande commit:';
my @subj = &read_logfile($SUBJ_FILE);
my $subjlines = 0;
my $subjwords = 0; # minimum of two "words" per line
LINE: foreach my $line (@subj) {
foreach my $word (split(/ /, $line)) {
if ($subjwords > 2 &&
length("$subject $word") > 75) {
if ($subjlines > 2) {
$subject .= " ...";
push @email, $subject;
if ($subjlines > 2) {
$subject = "";
last LINE;
# rfc822 continuation line
$subject = " ";
$subjwords = 0;
$subject .= " " . $word;
push @email, $subject if $subject;
# If required add a header to the mail msg showing
# which branches were modified during the commit.
if ($cfg::MAIL_BRANCH_HDR) {
my %tags = map { $_ => 1 } &read_logfile($TAGS_FILE);
if (keys %tags) {
push @email, $cfg::MAIL_BRANCH_HDR . ": " .
join(",", sort keys %tags);
push @email, "";
push @email, @text;
# Transform the email message?
if (defined($cfg::MAIL_TRANSFORM) && $cfg::MAIL_TRANSFORM) {
die 'log_accum.pl: $cfg::MAIL_TRANSFORM isn\'t a sub!'
unless ref($cfg::MAIL_TRANSFORM) eq "CODE";
if ($cfg::DEBUG) {
print "Email transform.\n";
print map { "Before: $_\n" } @email;
@email = &$cfg::MAIL_TRANSFORM(@email);
print map { "After: $_\n" } @email if $cfg::DEBUG;
# Send the email.
open MAIL, "| $cfg::MAILCMD $to"
or die "Please check $cfg::MAILCMD.";
print MAIL map { "$_\n" } @email;
close MAIL;
# Return the length of the longest value in the list.
sub longest_value {
my @values = @_;
my @sorted = sort { $b <=> $a } map { length $_ } @values;
return $sorted[0];
sub format_summaries {
my @filenames = @_;
my @revs;
my @deltas;
my @files;
my @statuses;
# Parse the summary file.
foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
open FILE, $filename or next;
while (<FILE>) {
my ($r, $d, $s, $f) = split(/,/, $_, 4);
push @revs, $r;
push @deltas, $d;
push @statuses, $s;
push @files, $f;
close FILE;
# Format the output, extra spaces after "Changes"
# to match historic formatting.
my $r_max = longest_value("Revision", @revs) + 2;
my $d_max = longest_value("Changes ", @deltas) + 2;
my @text;
my $fmt = "%-" . $r_max . "s%-" . $d_max . "s%s";
push @text, sprintf $fmt, "Revision", "Changes", "Path";
my @order = sort { $files[$a] cmp $files[$b] } (0 .. $#revs);
foreach (@order) {
my $file = $files[$_];
my $status = $statuses[$_];
$file .= " ($status)" if $status;
push @text, sprintf $fmt, $revs[$_], $deltas[$_], $file;
return @text;
# Make a diff of the changes.
sub do_diff {
my $outfile = shift;
my @filenames = @_; # List of files to check.
foreach my $file (@filenames) {
next unless $file;
my $diff;
my ($rev, $rcsfile) = get_revision_number($file);
# If this is a binary file, don't try to report a diff;
# not only is it meaningless, but it also screws up some
# mailers. We rely on Perl's 'is this binary' algorithm;
# it's pretty good. But not perfect.
if (($file =~ /\.(?:pdf|gif|jpg|tar|tgz|gz)$/i) or (-B $file)) {
$diff .= "Index: $file\n";
$diff .= "=" x 67 . "\n";
$diff .= "\t<<Binary file>>\n";
} else {
# Get the differences between this and the previous
# revision, being aware that new files always have
# revision '1.1' and new branches always end in '.n.1'.
if ($rev =~ /^(.*)\.([0-9]+)$/) {
my $prev_rev = previous_revision($rev);
my @args = ();
if ($rev eq '1.1') {
$diff .= "Index: $file\n"
. "=" x 68 . "\n";
@args = ('-Qn', 'update', '-p',
'-r1.1', $file);
} else {
@args = ('-Qn', 'diff', '-u',
"-r$prev_rev", "-r$rev", $file);
print "Generating diff: $cfg::PROG_CVS @args\n"
if $cfg::DEBUG;
open(DIFF, "-|") || exec $cfg::PROG_CVS, @args;
while(<DIFF>) {
$diff .= $_;
close DIFF;
my $diff_length = length($diff);
if ($diff_length > $cfg::MAX_DIFF_SIZE * 1024) {
$diff = "File/diff for $file is too large (" .
$diff_length . " bytes > " .
$cfg::MAX_DIFF_SIZE * 1024 . " bytes)!\n";
#&append_line($outfile, "$diff");
# Main Body
# Setup environment
umask (002);
# Initialize basic variables
my $input_params = $ARGV[0];
my ($directory, @filenames) = split " ", $input_params;
#@files = split(' ', $input_params);
my @path = split('/', $directory);
my $dir;
if ($#path == 0) {
$dir = ".";
} else {
$dir = join('/', @path[1..$#path]);
$dir = $dir . "/";
# Throw some values at the developer if in debug mode
if ($cfg::DEBUG) {
print "ARGV - ", join(":", @ARGV), "\n";
print "directory - ", $directory, "\n";
print "filenames - ", join(":", @filenames), "\n";
print "path - ", join(":", @path), "\n";
print "dir - ", $dir, "\n";
print "pid - ", $cfg::PID, "\n";
# Was used for To: lines, still used for commitlogs naming.
&append_line($LOGNAMES_FILE, &get_log_name("$directory/"));
&append_line($SUBJ_FILE, "$directory " . join(" ", sort @filenames));
# Check for a new directory first. This will always appear as a
# single item in the argument list, and an empty log message.
if ($input_params =~ /New directory/) {
my @text = &build_header();
push @text, " $input_params";
&mail_notification(@text) if $cfg::MAIL_ON_DIR_CREATION;
exit 0;
# Check for an import command. This will always appear as a
# single item in the argument list, and a log message.
if ($input_params =~ /Imported sources/) {
my @text = &build_header();
my $vendor_tag;
push @text, " $input_params";
while (<STDIN>) {
push @text, " $_";
$vendor_tag = $1 if /Vendor Tag:\s*(\S*)/;
&append_line($TAGS_FILE, $vendor_tag) if $vendor_tag;
#system("/usr/local/bin/awake", $directory);
exit 0;
# Iterate over the body of the message collecting information.
my %added_files; # Hashes containing lists of files
my %changed_files; # that have been changed, keyed
my %removed_files; # by branch tag.
my @log_lines; # The lines of the log message.
my $tag = "HEAD"; # Default branch is HEAD.
my $state = $STATE_NONE; # Initially in no state.
while (<STDIN>) {
s/[ \t\n]+$//; # delete trailing space
# parse the revision tag if it exists.
if (/^Revision\/Branch:(.*)/) { $tag = $1; next; }
if (/^[ \t]+Tag: (.*)/) { $tag = $1; next; }
if (/^[ \t]+No tag$/) { $tag = "HEAD"; next; }
# check for a state change, guarding against similar markers
# in the log message itself.
unless ($state == $STATE_LOG) {
if (/^Modified Files/) { $state = $STATE_CHANGED; next; }
if (/^Added Files/) { $state = $STATE_ADDED; next; }
if (/^Removed Files/) { $state = $STATE_REMOVED; next; }
if (/^Log Message/) { $state = $STATE_LOG; next; }
# don't so anything if we're not in a state.
next if $state == $STATE_NONE;
# collect the log line (ignoring empty template entries)?
if ($state == $STATE_LOG) {
next if /^(.*):$/ and $cfg::TEMPLATE_HEADERS{$1};
push @log_lines, $_;
# otherwise collect information about which files changed.
my @files = split;
push @{ $changed_files{$tag} }, @files if $state == $STATE_CHANGED;
push @{ $added_files{$tag} }, @files if $state == $STATE_ADDED;
push @{ $removed_files{$tag} }, @files if $state == $STATE_REMOVED;
&append_line($TAGS_FILE, $tag);
# Strip leading and trailing blank lines from the log message.
# Compress multiple blank lines in the body of the message down to a
# single blank line.
# Convert tabs to spaces, so that when we indent the email message and
# log file everything still lines up.
# (Note, this only does the mail and changes log, not the rcs log).
my $log_message = join "\n", @log_lines;
$log_message =~ s/\n{3,}/\n\n/g;
$log_message =~ s/^\n+//;
$log_message =~ s/\n+$//;
@log_lines = expand(split /\n/, $log_message);
# Find the log file that matches this log message
my $message_index; # The index of this log message
for ($message_index = 0; ; $message_index++) {
last unless -e "$LOG_FILE.$message_index";
my @text = &read_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$message_index");
last unless @text;
last if "@log_lines" eq "@text";
# Spit out the information gathered in this pass.
foreach my $tag ( keys %added_files ) {
&append_names_to_file("$ADDED_FILE.$message_index", $dir, $tag,
@{ $added_files{$tag} });
foreach my $tag ( keys %changed_files ) {
&append_names_to_file("$CHANGED_FILE.$message_index", $dir, $tag,
@{ $changed_files{$tag} });
foreach my $tag ( keys %removed_files ) {
&append_names_to_file("$REMOVED_FILE.$message_index", $dir, $tag,
@{ $removed_files{$tag} });
&write_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$message_index", @log_lines);
# Save the info for the commit summary.
foreach my $tag ( keys %added_files ) {
@{ $added_files{$tag} });
&do_diff("$DIFF_FILE.$message_index", @{ $added_files{$tag} })
if ( $cfg::MAX_DIFF_SIZE > 0 );
foreach my $tag ( keys %changed_files ) {
@{ $changed_files{$tag} });
&do_diff("$DIFF_FILE.$message_index", @{ $changed_files{$tag} })
if ( $cfg::MAX_DIFF_SIZE > 0 );
foreach my $tag ( keys %removed_files ) {
@{ $removed_files{$tag} });
# Check whether this is the last directory. If not, quit.
# The last directory name was written by commit_prep.pl on
# the way in.
if (-e $LAST_FILE) {
$_ = &read_line($LAST_FILE);
my $tmpfiles = $directory;
$tmpfiles =~ s,([^a-zA-Z0-9_/]),\\$1,g;
unless (grep(/$tmpfiles$/, $_)) {
print "More commits to come...\n";
exit 0
# This is it. The commits are all finished. Lump everything together
# into a single message, fire a copy off to the mailing list, and drop
# it on the end of the Changes file.
# Produce the final compilation of the log messages
my $diff_num_lines = $cfg::DIFF_BLOCK_TOTAL_LINES;
for (my $i = 0; ; $i++) {
last unless -e "$LOG_FILE.$i";
my @log_msg = &build_header();
my @mod_lines = &read_logfile("$CHANGED_FILE.$i");
push @log_msg, &format_lists("Modified", @mod_lines) if @mod_lines;
my @add_lines = &read_logfile("$ADDED_FILE.$i");
push @log_msg, &format_lists("Added", @add_lines) if @add_lines;
my @rem_lines = &read_logfile("$REMOVED_FILE.$i");
push @log_msg, &format_lists("Removed", @rem_lines) if @rem_lines;
my @msg_lines = &read_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$i");
push @log_msg, " Log:", (map { " $_" } @msg_lines) if @msg_lines;
if (-e "$SUMMARY_FILE.$i") {
push @log_msg, " ", map {" $_"}
# Add a copy of the message in the relevant log files.
# Add the diff after writing the log files.
if (-e "$DIFF_FILE.$i" and $diff_num_lines > 0) {
my @diff_block = read_logfile("$DIFF_FILE.$i");
my $lines_to_use = scalar @diff_block;
$lines_to_use = $diff_num_lines
if $lines_to_use > $diff_num_lines;
push @log_msg, " ",
map {" $_"} @diff_block[0 .. $lines_to_use - 1];
$diff_num_lines -= $lines_to_use;
if ($diff_num_lines <= 0) {
push @log_msg, "",
"Diff block truncated. (Max lines = " .
# Mail out the notification.
#system("/usr/local/bin/awake", $directory);
exit 0;